Yāska’s Nirukta Ch. 12. 1-5

Yāska’s Nirukta Ch. 12. 1-5:

12,1: atha.ato.dyu.sthānā.devatāh/
12,1: tāsām.aśvinau.prathama.āgāminau.bhavatah/
12,1: aśvinau.yad.vyaśnuvāte.sarvam.rasena.anyas,.jyotiṣā.anyah/
12,1: aśvair.aśvināv.ity.aurṇavābhah/
12,1: tat.kāv.aśvinau/
12,1: dyāvā.pṛthivī.āv.ity.eke/
12,1: ahorātrāv.ity.eke/
12,1: sūryā.candramasāv.ity.eke/
12,1: rājānau.punya.kṛtāv.ity.aitihāsikāh/
12,1: tayoḥ.kāla.ūrdhvam.ardharātrāt,.prakāśī.bhāvasya.anuvistambham.anu/
12,1: tamas.bhāgo.hi.madhyamas,.jyotiṣ.bhāga.ādityah/
12,1: tayor.eṣā.bhavati/

12,2: ``vasātisu.sma.carathas.asitau.petvāv.iva/
12,2: kadedam.aśvinā.yuvam.abhi.devām.agacchatam/''.iti.sā.nigada.vyākhyātā/
12,2: tayoḥ.samāna.kālayoḥ.samāna.karmaṇoḥ.saṃstuta.prāyayor.asaṃstavena.eṣas.ardharco.bhavati/
12,2: ``vāsātyas.anya.ucyata.usas.putras.tava.anyah''.iti/
12,2: tayor.eṣā.aparā.bhavati/

12,3: ``iheha.jātā.samavāvaśītāmarepasā.tanvā.nāmabhiḥ.svaih/
12,3: jisnur.vām.anyaḥ.sumakhasya.sūrir.divo.anyaḥ.subhagahputra.ūhe/''.
12,3:  iha.ca.iha.ca.jātau.saṃstūyete.pāpena.alipyamānayā.tanvā.nāmabhiś.ca.svaiḥ.jisnur.vām.anyaḥ.
12,3: tayor.eṣā.aparā.bhavati/

12,4: ``prātar.yujā.vi.bhodhaya.aśvināv.ehagacchatām/
12,4: asya.somasya.pītaye/''.
12,4: prātar.yoginau.vibodhaya.aśvinau/
12,4: iha.āgacchatām.asya.somasya.pānāya/
12,4: tayor.eṣā.aparā.bhavati/

12,5: ``prātar.yajadhvam.aśvinā.hinota.na.sāyam.asti.devayā.ajustam/
12,5: utānyo.asmad.yajate.vi.cāvaḥ.pūrvaḥ.pūrvo.yajamāno.vanīyān/''.
12,5: prātar.yajadhvam.aśvinau.prahinuta/
12,5: na.sāyam.asti.deva.ijyā/
12,5: ajustam.etat/
12,5: apy[uta?].anyas.asmad.yajate,.vi.cāvah/
12,5: pūrvaḥ.pūrvo.yajamāno.vanīyān.vanayitṛtamah/
12,5: tayoḥ.kālaḥ.sūrya.udaya.paryantas.tasminn.anyā.devatā.opyante/
12,5: uso.vaster.[vaś.to.desire].kānti.karmaṇah/
12,5: ucchater.[vas.to.shine].itarā.mādhyaṃkikā/
12,5: tasyā.eṣā.bhavati/
12,5: ``usas.tac.citram.ā.bhara.asmabhyam.vājinīvati/
12,5: yena.tokaṃś.ca.tanayaṃś.ca.dhāmahe/''.

Lakshman Sarup's awending in his Nighantu and Nirukta ch.12 lvs.184 to 185:

"Now, therefore, (we shall deal with) the celestial deities. Of these, the Aśvins come first. The- Aśvins are (so called) because they two pervade (as) everything, one with moisture, the other with light.  They are called Aśvins on account of their having horses (aśva),' says Auravābha. Who then are the Aśvins? According to some they are heaven and earth; day and night, according to others. Some take them to be the sun and the moon, (while) the historians regard them as two virtuous kings. Their time is after midnight, which, in consequence, is an impediment to the appearance of light. The part in the dark is the atmosphere, and the part in the light is the sun. The following stanza is addressed to them.

You wandered like two black clouds during the nights. O Aśvins, when was it that you came to the gods? [not known]

The stanza is explained by the mere reading of it. It is with reference to their separate individual praise that the hemistich is addressed to the two Aśvins, who are mostly praised conjointly, and whose time and functions are identical. One is called the son of night, the other son of dawn. The following, another stanza, is addressed to them.
(Here ends the second section.)

Born here and there, they are conjointly praised with reference to their own names and a spotless body. One of you is the victor, the promoter of noble sacrifice; the other is regarded as the blessed son of heaven. [RV 1.181.4]

Born here and there they two are praised together with reference to a body unstained by sin and to their own names. One of you two is the victor, the furtherer of very great strength, i. e. belonging to the middle region; the other is considered the blessed son of heaven, i. e. the sun. The following, another stanza, is addressed to them.
(Here ends tle third section.)

Awaken the two early-yoking Aśvins. May they come here to drink of this soma. [RV 1.22.1]

Awaken the Aśvins, who yoke early in the morning. May they two come here to drink of this soma. The following, another stanza, is addressed to them.
(Here ends the fourth section.)

Offer sacrifice and impel the two Aśvins in the morning; there is no divine worship: that in the evening is unaccepted; also another than us sacrifices and gives satisfaction. The earlier a sacrificer worships, the more he gains. [RV 5.77.2]

Sacrifice and impel the Aśvins early in the morning; there is not an oblation offered to the gods in the evening: that is not enjoyed, another than us should sacrifice and give satisfaction. The earlier one sacrifices, the more he wins, i. e. he is the best winner. Their time is up to the rising of the sun; during this period other deities are invoked.”

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